Browsing 2016 by Subject "K.M. Mani Centre for Budget Studies (KMMCBS) - Administrative * sanction for the approved minutes of the Executive Council of KMMCBS - Fixing the terms for the appointment of Co-ordinator KMMCBS - Approval of the qualification, experience and pay scale similar to that of an Assistant Professor and fixing the rate of honorarium to the Indian/Foreign Experts - Approval of the Syndicate - reg"

Browsing 2016 by Subject "K.M. Mani Centre for Budget Studies (KMMCBS) - Administrative * sanction for the approved minutes of the Executive Council of KMMCBS - Fixing the terms for the appointment of Co-ordinator KMMCBS - Approval of the qualification, experience and pay scale similar to that of an Assistant Professor and fixing the rate of honorarium to the Indian/Foreign Experts - Approval of the Syndicate - reg"

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