Airfare sanctioned to Sri. Sunny P. Jose - Direction of Syndicate to place copies of TA bills and vouchers pertaining to sanctioning of airfare - reg. (1)
Implementing the judgement of Hon'ble High Court of Kerala on WP(C) * No.35166 of 2011 (U) filed by Sri. A.V. Muraleedharan and Sri. Jose Jacob N.K. - Legal opinion - Furnishing of - reg. (1)
National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health (NCAAH) - Recommendation of the Advisory Board of NCAAH for according status of 'School' to the National Centre for Aquatic Animal Health under the Faculty of Environmental Studies - Re-institute the Faculty position originally sanctioned by UGC and incorporate changes in the Academic Prospectus - Consideration of the Syndicate - reg. (1)
New block in School of Marine Sciences campus - Steps to demolish the Centre building - reg. (1)