595th Syndicate 28.02.2013

Show simple item record CUSAT 2018-04-10T07:13:47Z 2018-04-10T07:13:47Z 2013-02-28
dc.subject DBT Research Associateship Programme in Biotechnology and Life Sciences funded by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India - Implementation in the University - yea en_US
dc.subject Introduction of National Cadet Corps programme as an optional course in the credit based choice and semester system in the Universities - reg. en_US
dc.subject Use of computers for writing examination - persons with disabilities - reg. en_US
dc.subject Fee waiver, free accommodation, food and transport for students with disabilities - reg. en_US
dc.subject Pay Revision 2009 - Guest House Manager - Rate of Special Allowance - Revision - Consideration of - reg. en_US
dc.subject School of Legal Studies - LL.B. (3 year) evening course Appointment of a Course Co-ordinator on contract basis Ratification of the action taken by the Vice-Chancellor Consideration of - reg. en_US
dc.subject Implementation of 3% reservation to the physically handicapped candidates in the appointment of teaching posts in University - reg. en_US
dc.subject Missing of library books - Department Libraries - Request for write off - Consideration of- reg. en_US
dc.subject CSSEIP - Granting permission to function during XIIth Plan period - reg. en_US
dc.title 595th Syndicate 28.02.2013 en_US

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  • 2013
    Minutes of the Meeting of the Syndicate

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