Browsing Conference Section by Subject "1. The Syndicate resolved to authorize the Vice Chancellor to reconstitute the Board of Studies in Aeronautical Science & * Technology. 2. The Syndicate resolved to authorize the Vice Chancellor to take appropriate decision for running of Milma Booth Canteen to M/s * Kudumbasree Unit. 3. The Syndicate resolved to set up a Web Conference facility in the * Syndicate Hall of the University. R"

Browsing Conference Section by Subject "1. The Syndicate resolved to authorize the Vice Chancellor to reconstitute the Board of Studies in Aeronautical Science & * Technology. 2. The Syndicate resolved to authorize the Vice Chancellor to take appropriate decision for running of Milma Booth Canteen to M/s * Kudumbasree Unit. 3. The Syndicate resolved to set up a Web Conference facility in the * Syndicate Hall of the University. R"

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