Browsing Conference Section by Subject ". A three member Sub-Committee comprising Syndicate Members Sri. K K Krishnakumar (Convener), Dr. Sasi Gopalan and Dr. V. J. Laly was appointed to study the lapses in the organisation of ‘DHISHNA 2023’ and to come up with recommendations to prevent recurrence of such incidents in future. The committee should submit its preliminary report by Friday."

Browsing Conference Section by Subject ". A three member Sub-Committee comprising Syndicate Members Sri. K K Krishnakumar (Convener), Dr. Sasi Gopalan and Dr. V. J. Laly was appointed to study the lapses in the organisation of ‘DHISHNA 2023’ and to come up with recommendations to prevent recurrence of such incidents in future. The committee should submit its preliminary report by Friday."

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