Browsing 2022 by Subject "Acute shortage of funds for meeting the urgent payments due to delay in receipt of Non Plan Grant from the Government of Kerala - Transfer crediting the amount lying under different Page 12 of 17 heads, except interest accrued on KMSME Pension Fund and balance amount of annual SB interest from the TSB Account (A/C No.711010100005719) – Reporting to the Syndicate"

Browsing 2022 by Subject "Acute shortage of funds for meeting the urgent payments due to delay in receipt of Non Plan Grant from the Government of Kerala - Transfer crediting the amount lying under different Page 12 of 17 heads, except interest accrued on KMSME Pension Fund and balance amount of annual SB interest from the TSB Account (A/C No.711010100005719) – Reporting to the Syndicate"

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