630th Syndicate 20.02.2016

Show simple item record 2018-03-28T09:32:52Z 2018-03-28T09:32:52Z 2016-02-20
dc.subject Department of Computer Application - Starting of M.Sc. Computer Science with Specialization in Soft Computing and approval of fee struc. t. ure - Ratification - reg. en_US
dc.subject Reservation of seats for Malayalee students from the Andaman & Nicobar - reg. en_US
dc.subject Examination's - College of Engineering, Perumon - Suspected case of * forgery of University Documents - reg. en_US
dc.subject Recognition of Dr. Robert K. Plunkett, Senior Professor, Fermilab, * USA, as Research Guide of Cochin University of Science and Technology - Amendment to the Ph.D. Regulations 2010 - Resolution of Academic Council - Consideration of - reg. en_US
dc.subject Implementation of G.O. regarding relaxation in marks to SEBC students for admission to P.G. Programmes - Minutes of the Syndicate meeting held on 19.12.2015 - Consideration of reg. en_US
dc.subject Request for creation of additional manpower in CUCEK Library - Consideration of - reg. en_US
dc.subject Period of stay in hostels - Ph.D. students - reg. en_US
dc.subject Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) - Revised Estimate - Recommendation of the Technical Committee for constructions - Consideration of ,-.- reg. en_US
dc.subject Proposal for new courses - M.Tech (Materials Science and Nano Engineering ) - reg. en_US
dc.subject Encroachment of University property - reg. en_US
dc.title 630th Syndicate 20.02.2016 en_US

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  • 2016
    Minutes of the Meeting of the syndicate

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