633rd Syndicate 27.05.2016

Show simple item record 2018-03-28T09:15:32Z 2018-03-28T09:15:32Z 2016-05-27
dc.subject Revision of Hostel Allotments Rules - Recommendation of subcommittee - Consideration of - reg. en_US
dc.subject K.M. Mani Centre for Budget Studies (KMMCBS) - Fixing the duties and responsibilities of the Honorary Director and Executive Director of K.M. Mani Centre for Budget Studies - Proposal from the Hon. Director and Executive Director - Consideration of the Syndicate - reg. en_US
dc.subject Non-realization of pay and allowances by AICTE-MHRD in respect of teachers deputed under QIP programme - Consideration of period of deputation as Leave Without Allowances - Review of policy matter - reg. en_US
dc.subject School of Legal Studies - Introduction of one year LL.M. Degree Programme - Consideration of - reg. en_US
dc.subject Proposal for M.Tech (Full-time) in Electronic Design 135 Technology - reg. en_US
dc.subject Prof.(Dr.) N.S. Gopalakrishnan, School of Legal Studies, Cochin * University of Science and Technology - Transfer appointment as 1PR Chair Professor - Converting transfer appointment to deputation with retrospective effect - Consideration of - reg. en_US
dc.subject Technology Business Incubator hosted by Centre for Innovation * Technology Transfer and Industrial Collaboration - Permission to collect a token rent from the student incubates of TBI - reg. en_US
dc.subject Distribution of seats of M.Tech. Electronics and Communication Engineering - reg. en_US
dc.subject Deen Dayal Upadhyay Kaushal Kendra (DDUKK) - Approval of Memorandum of Understanding - reg. en_US
dc.subject Pool Officer posts - promotion - reg: en_US
dc.title 633rd Syndicate 27.05.2016 en_US

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  • 2016
    Minutes of the Meeting of the syndicate

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